Pecha Kucha Vol.2 recap

Keith Cross of Milkrow Studio produced this voice over version of his Pecha Kucha Night Vol. 2 topic “Learning Letterpress”. Modern digital design students may find the process of letterpress limiting but Keith encourages everyone to see the liberation letterpress can have:

Stay tuned for LIVE Pecha Kucha Worcester Videos on our youtube group.
PKN Vol. 2 pictures by Michelle May, Rich Beaubien and Donna Dufault Flickr group.

About 100 people came out on Sunday Sept 14th for Pecha Kucha Night Worcester Vol. 2. The evening was filled with laughs and enthusiasm from the crowd as they reacted to presenters Dr Gonzo and Jeffu Warmouth, quiet admiration for Lennie Peterson and Trisha Barry’s work and thought provoking presentations from Michael Gennert, Jeff Baker, Ian Hickey and Keith Cross. It proved to be another fun night of diverse topics and inspiration!

Special Thanks goes out to:
Ian Hickey at 55 Pearl for feeding everyone his amazing creations that were based on his presentation “The Creative Process of Cooking”
Joe Madaus for providing video documentation for all the presenters.
Jeff Baker for making the projections possible.
Al Dancy, Donna Dufault for being our go-to volunteers.
Scott Boilard for creating beautiful presenter gifts

We had a blast and are looking forward to Vol.3 on Jan 24th 2010!