Worcester calling Tokyo

Last week I received a request to submit a 20 second video saying HELLO to Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo #62.
The world wide event hit a few mile stones last week. Hitting the 200 mark for participating cities and hitting a record turn out for #62 in Tokyo. My greeting from Worcester Ma was played to a packed room of 443 people at SuperDeluxe ( an arts events venue owned by the Pecha Kucha founders Klein Dytham Architecture). As the organization continues to grow the founders help keep everyone connected through introducing new cities at the beginning of their events, posting samples of the worldwide events on the headquarters blog. Posting videos of presentations and linking every city on their mainpage.

Here is a sample presentation from Tokyo #62 given by Mark Cooke

Pecha Kucha Night also got a write up in Culture Magazine you can read it here online on pages 54 and 55.

Very Busy Week!
and did I mention Pecha Kucha Night is non profit? Everyone involved has a day job and is passionate about the Pecha Kucha format for sharing ideas and creativity.

Worcester #1
is coming up quick!
June 14th Bocado Tapas Bar 7:20