PKN Worcester #1 Sentiment

Here’s my mushy sensitive side for your reading pleasure:

Thank you to everyone who came out for this!
I am very proud of each of the presenters for their thoughtful, insightful, and funny takes about what they do.
I enjoyed the perspective of the evening from the front of the room and even though I had to be bop in and out I was able to really take in the entire vibe. What was very satisfying to me was while listening to the presenters I could see the captivated faces looking up at them:
Cheering on the presenters for their accomplishments.
Laughing along with them over Odd Noggins, Creature Double Feature, and Toilets with water fountains.
In awed of Adoniram’s black and white photography and the quiet inspiration in his philosophy.
Being Fired up during the break
Eveyones smiles as they were leaving
Not only did the presenters knock this event out of the park but the audience did too! Thank you for being so great!
Afterward, as I pulled into my driveway I realized that this is what I have been looking for for a long time, what I have truly been missing in my community. A forum were people can relax, enjoy, share ideas and get inspired. For this to happen in my community I am extremely grateful.
~Cynthia Woehrle

The community bulletin board for PKN #1

Pecha Kucha Night Worcester

and some pics that Michelle May took