Nov 21st: The Biggest Bar Night of the Year, or so I keep hearing. Possibly even bigger than New Years Eve. I suppose I’ve never heard of a Thanksgiving Eve party so what else is there to do when you’ve finished baking, traveling, and running around preparing for Turkey Day? Some sarcastically say they “need a few drinks” to help prep them for a full day of family time. But Really, its a four day weekend (that only happens once a year) you deserve to meet up with friends and have a couple drinks to it kick off.
So how are you gonna spend this big party night? Theres a bunch of hip things happening around the Worcester bar scene, just look here.
If your staying in Worcester tonight it would be a shame to miss those shows.
I’ll be at BaBa working the closing shift and hanging with my BaBa family and a few favorite regulars.
So, theres a pitch for going out the night before Thanksgiving but what is this all about? The biggest traveling day of the year, biggest bar night, biggest shopping day, biggest national holiday? Is it all in the name of family? What does Thanksgiving really mean? “Modern Day” Thanksgiving means family togetherness, taking a moment to appreciate the things you have, eating too much turkey, watching football and planning ahead to hit the big sales the next day. Sounds a little cliche doesn’t it?
“Modern Day” Thanksgiving to me is about being with my family and feeling nostalgic about those family traditions that have been kicking around since I was a kid. This year its also about change and noting anniversaries. The first Thanksgiving since a loved ones death; missing the traditions that had included them. Like watching the dog show while snacking on appetizers and getting the food on the table. Remembering scenarios that will not happen again.
Yesterday morning I met the father of a little boy who had died over the weekend. He smiled and shook my hand. Upon receiving my condolences, he explained to me how he was thankful for the 7 years that he was able to spend with his son. In facing loss he found a poignant way to remember him. Life is precious and sometimes short. On this holiday he and his family will also be on my mind. Situations like this cut through whatever cliches commercialism has imposed on the holidays. Life changes. What better way to honor past good times with loved ones than to continue to Live?
Toast with your friends tonight. Have a good time and Celebrate the people you love.